Karen has been sewing professionally since 1990. Her sewing grew from a need for clothes that fit. With her mother’s guidance and classes in high school and at home, she learned to create an entire well-fitting wardrobe.

Karen received her Bachelor’s in Science degree in Physical Education and Recreation at Taylor University. Throughout her college years, she continued sewing all her clothes and also assisted her older sister in doing the same. After teaching Outdoor Education in Long Beach, California, she moved to Colorado and settled down to raise her family.

Once again, the sewing machine came out, and she started making clothes for her son and husband. Then friends began asking her to make garments for them. In August of 1990, Karen’s Sew Unique opened. In 1994, Karen joined the Association of Sewing and Design Professionals. Through ASDP Karen expanded her sewing and fitting skills. She attended chapter workshops, National Conference classes, and Master Classes, studying under nationally- and internationally-known instructors, including Susan Khalje, Clara Dittli, Joyce Murphy, Vandarra Robbins, Sandra Erickson, Claire Shaeffer, Susan Widawski, and others. This allowed her to elevate her skills to the couture level.

At the 2004 ASDP Conference, Karen took Joyce Murphy’s JSM Pants 4 U Master Class. This class led Karen to an in-depth apprenticeship with Joyce. Now, she uses the JSM Pants 4 U system exclusively in her custom sewing business as well as teaching classes and retreat workshops.

Karen enjoys all aspects of pant design and creation including designing many styles of pants, jeans, walking shorts, and jean shorts.

Karen is also an enthusiastic retreat leader. These retreat workshops provide a friendly, open environment where individual students and other professionals are taught the methods to enable them to create their own wardrobe of well-fitting pant styles.